Tico Time’s Sangha Festival
Awaken Shakti
Awaken Shakti – the Goddess Archetype within you
In your Heroine’s Journey
By Dr. Manoj Chalam
This class is suitable for men and women.
The pinnacle of the Goddess archetype is the Wisdom Goddess with side archetypes of the Mother and the luminous Devi. Discover the archetypes of the slumbering Goddesses or Shakti within us as Lakshmi, Saraswati, Kali, Durga, Tara and Kwan Yin. Unleash this Shakti, within you as the creative power of the One. This Shakti archetype guides us through all aspects of life transitions such as adulthood, relationships, marriage, parenting, profession, mentoring and finally enlightenment. With Shakti’s guidance, we are able to fully express the heroine’s journey to Self Actualization.
Manoj will help you find your personal deity Goddess archetype
(This workshop is 80% lecture, 10% meditation, 5% Mantras and 5% light spiritual stretches.)
Dr. Manoj Chalam

Dr. Manoj Chalam
Manoj (people call him a spiritual standup comedian) uses an uniquely entertaining, interactive story telling style using Hindu/Buddhist deities in his workshops to illuminate Bhakti practices as well as deep non dual philosophy. He teaches at festivals, yoga events, his ashram and whoever wants to listen.
Manoj uses these deity archetypes to help people in their hero’s journey as elucidated by Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. An Indian-born scientist with a PhD in Chemical engineering from Cornell University, Manoj helps individuals find their archetypes in Hindu/Buddhist Yogic deities and teaches the 5 practices to work with their archetype as a spiritual practice. He has also compiled a book on the symbolisms of these deity archetypes.
Manoj is in the business of story telling to inspire people. He has many you tube videos with deity statues as a compelling media to tell stories. Manoj was interviewed by the Ram Dass foundation for their podcast on “The Deities”. Manoj, Kurt, Jack and Beth have created an “online ashram” under Patreon. Under Murtis and Vedanta Youtube Chanel.
Manoj teaches workshops at a physical ashram in his home in San Diego called Sakhya Bhava Ashram (where the divine is your friend). Manoj’s workshops are usually 70% lecture/group exercises, 15% archetypical deity yoga meditations, 10% Mantra chantings and 5% light spiritual stretches.
Website www.MurtisAndVedanta.com
You Tube channel / Patreon: Murtis and Vedanta