Tico Time’s Sangha Festival
Stabilizing the Nervous System
In this time together we will use gentle poses and different meditative practices and kriyas ending with long shavasana. The purpose of this class is to center, relax, and integrate body and mind. Cushion, blanket, or something to lift your spine up for seated practice is recommended.
Jitka Slanska

I have been a sensitive being since an early age. Navigating the rollercoaster of life I have always searched for ways to master my emotions, energy, and mind. In 2018 I was guided to Sattva Yoga Academy in Rishikesh, India. I have fallen in love with these complex integrated techniques that are rooted in ancient wisdom. Inviting us to search ourselves, our true nature, helping us to correct our intellect, and to experience present moment, connection, and joy. As of now I have completed 500 YTT. My favorite things are spending time in nature, experiencing and learning new things, dancing, traveling, and being with loved ones.